Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New plan. I'm going to start doing more MetCon workouts, so I have to start eating carbs as a PWO meal. I've decided that I'm going to shoot for between 40-81g of carbs in the post-workout window, depending on the intensity and duration of the effort. I'm still shooting for about 115g of protein/day (1.5g/kg BW), with protein constituting about 15% of my total calories. That puts my total daily caloric intake at somewhere around 3100kcal, with the majority of my calories coming from fat, except for the post-workout meal.


Anonymous said...

I have a dumb question.
What is a Metcon workout. I treid googling it and got some references to the pharse but nothing definitive.

Craig Cooper said...

Metcon = Metabolic Conditioning, aka cardio. When I say Metcon I just mean CrossFit style workouts that are very metabolically demanding.