Tuesday, July 24, 2007


50 KB Snatch @ 24kg
400m Run
21 DB Clean & Jerk @ 40lbs
800m Run
21 DB Clean & Jerk @ 40lbs
400m Run
50 KB Snatch @ 24kg


Wanted to experiment with the KB Snatch as I've only done it one other time in a workout, with a 16kg KB. This sucked. My grip was failing, and the KB got really heavy really fast. I managed to pump out 30 in a row during the first 50 without stopping before I was out of breath. The DB Clean & Jerks were heavy. I only managed to get at the most 5 done in a row before stopping. I always forget that DBs are A LOT harder to perform these movements with than their equivalent weight with a barbell.


12:30pm: 6 Eggs, 1tbsp Butter, 1 Avocado. 10oz Watermelon.

5:00pm: 2scoops Egg Protein, 3cups Berreies, 1can Coconut Milk.

8:00pm: Pork & Lettuce Rolls. 2 Kiwis. 4tbsp Cashew/Macadamia Nut Butter.

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